I love the oatmeal bath soak for sunburns and while it worked great on my shoulders, chest, and back its hard to soak your face in a tub for 20 minutes without doing some serious harm. My nose and forehead got the worst of it this time around so I decided that I'd try making a mask out of my lovely little oatmeal blend. 

What You'll need:

  • 2 Tablespoons Oatmeal Bath Soak *recipe in my earlier blog*
  • 2 Tablespoons Water
  • 1/2 Teaspoon E.V.O.O.
  • 2 chlled tea bags

How to:

1. Add all your ingredients into a cup or small bowl
2. Stir until well blended, should be slightly runny,  (if its too thick it will just fall off your face when you try to put it on.)
3. At this point I recomend putting on some of your favorite "mellow me out" music
4. Apply the mask using your finger tips to smooth it out as much as possible, 
5. Lay down somewhere comfy and put the tea bags over your eyes. Relax for 15-20 min.
    * I put the music on so that I could time it about 4 of your favorite mellow songs should be about right.
6. Using a wash rag and some water remove the mask.
     * I took this time to use it as a mini scrub as well, take the wash cloth and using a circular upward outward
       motion gently scrub away the mask.
7. Rinse face with warm water, then splash with cool water, pat dry, and apply your favorite moisturizer... All done! 

Hope you all enjoy this as much as I did.. with mellow music and the lavendar and chamomile aroma it was the most relaxing 20 minof my week!
My least favorite part of summer is getting sunburned, and since I have a very fair complexiion that happens a quite a few times through out the season no matter how much sunblock I put on!

I found this recipe on another site and the lady used all organic items, and a cotton tea bag. I didn't have organic everything, a cotton tea bag or panty hoes (another site suggests cutting the toe out of panty hoes and tying them shut to help the water flow through better) I also doubled the recipe and converted teh meassurements into cups.
I have to give credit to the other site don't want to be accused of stealing:
What You'll Need:
  • 1 1/2c Quick Oats or Old Fashioned Oats
  • 1/2c Lavender
  • 1/2c Chamomile
  • a Ninja, bullet or other food processor.
  • a mason jar or storage container with lid
  • Wash cloth, cotton tea bag, or toe of a stocking.
  • Hair ties or string. 

1. Grind the oats into a fine powder then add in the lavender and chamomile grind again into a fine powder.

 *Caution: some people may be allergic to chamomile its part of the Asteraceae  family so be sure to check if your giving this as a gift*

2.Transfer into your container... I don't have a funnel so I rolled up a piece of paper it works just as well and everybody has paper laying around.

3. When you go to take a bath pour 1/4c of the mixture into the center of a wash cloth fold up the corners and twist slightly. Wrap a hair tye around the top to keep the oat mixture from spilling out but loosely enough to allow water to get it. If you wrap it too tight the water wont be able to get in and the center will still be dry.

I recommend using this about 2 days after your sunburn, when skin starts to get itchy. It will help soothe the itch, and surprisingly helps to prevent peeling. I've already used it twice and it's the best thing I've found to help lock in that sun kissed glow while helping to heal your skin from all those damaging rays! Enjoy!
